
Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Bloodlines are Finished

Lol, I know, interesting title. However it refers to the book that I've been reading called Bloodlines by Richelle Mead. I know that I have been off of here for a while and really it was because I got busy and stopped reading for a few days.

As of last night though, I finished Bloodlines with a smile on my face. Through all the peril our Sidney Sage had faced she's feeling things that she shouldn't be feeling towards a Moroi and facing the fact she herself may be magical.

A lot for a girl like her to take in. Think about it, a girl raised to believe there are no good vampires, they're all evil and that all magic no matter what kind is unnatural and tainted. Then you find out that the Moroi are actually decent, almost like real people and one of them makes you feel emotions that gives you butterflies in your stomach and makes you blush.

If that's not bad enough the one thing that scares you and you just can't wrap your head around is the one thing that you may be....magical.

Towards the end of Bloodlines, there's a lot of information to take in. A lot of things have changed in about five chapters and the people that you're reading aren't the same ones that you saw in the beginning of the book.

It's an interesting read and is just the first in a very good series. Sadly my attention span just doesn't extend to the second book lol. I'm starting a new one from a different series and author.

Stick around, you may find something you like ;)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Chapter 13

Not much happens in this chapter. Though we do get another piece of the Adrian/Jill puzzle. 

 Jill wakes Sydney up in the middle of the night to go "rescue" Adrian in L.A with no other explanation other than he needs help. 

What do you say to that?

Love is in the Air- Chapter 12

Love is truly in the air during this chapter. Everyone is going out on their "family" outing and needless to say everyone's excited except Sydney. She's ok around everyone but her upbringing causes her problems sometimes. 

It doesn't take long to see how much Lee and Jill  like each other. They pretty much ignore everyone and fall behind by a hole. 

Now here's a something you'll start chanting in your head: Adrian likes Sydney Sydney likes Adrian. 

In this chapter you really start to get this high school vibe of does he like me he's looking at me kind of thing.

It's actually kind of cute how adrian kind of looks after Sydney, trying to do it so she can't tell because after all she's a fiercely independent woman. 

I wonder how this will work cuz remember vampires and humans don't mix, it's forbidden. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Enter Trouble

In chapter 11 it's feeding day for the Melrose family....well just Jill. 

This connection between Jill and Adtian gets weirder. Sydney starts wondering when Jill is actually on the phone with Adruan so much that she knows everything she does. It's a little awkward for Sydney to see this. 

Lee has also now set the date. They're all going to play mini golf. A place that has a few fountains on the course so that Jill can be a little more at ease with her surroundings. It's hard for her to be away from Wayer because her magic is water, it's basically a part of her. 

Now we also catch on to Keith's end game. If he can make it look like Sydney is screwing up he can get her out. Not only by showing she's not taking care of Jill plus being a vampire lover but Sydney has brought up the tattoos. 

Keith has called the tattoos a wild tangent that she doesn't need to think about. 

Let's see what happens next 😄

3 Chapter Crash

Hi everyone!!! Please forgive me for being gone so long but this fall cleaning has kept me busy lately. I started reading last night and I know that I should of stopped and wrote but I just couldn't. Once I started reading I couldn't stop, that is until my husband came in for bed lol. I know I'm so not as fast as I used to b.

So I'm not doing this in chapters. We have three chapters that focus on pretty much a day and a half. It's the second day of school and we have more social issues. Jill is feeling better but she's awkward and out of place. Eddie's roommate, Micah, takes an interest in her during their mutual P.E class. With Jill being a Moroi, she doesn't burn up in the sun like Strigoi do but it does make her miserable and weak. Micah covered for her so that their teacher would lay off of her, even walked her to the next class that she had. 

This is a big worry because both races, human and Moroi do not approve of intermingling. To them both it is a disgusting thing to do. Now don't let your sense of right and wrong get in the way of the story because really, this fact makes the book that much more interesting. 

Sydney calls on the help of Eddie and Adrian to help dissuade Micah from getting any further. Eddie is against this because he doesn't want to isolate Jill from everyone. They brought her to the school to be safe not to make her feel any more alone than she already does. 

Ok fair point well made. So it's now Adrian's turn. Adrian sees the point very clearly and was surprisingly easy to talk to albeit very weird. See Adrian is the wild and carefree one but now has this chivalrous side when it comes to Jill. Yes he will talk to Jill about not getting involved with Micah however when Lee enters into the room and offers to ask Jill out, Adrian flips out. 

There's an age difference. He's just using her. As long as they all go out as a group, can Lee be with Jill. Lee just happens to be just smitten enough to agree. 

Now here's one out of two kickers in all three chapters. Keith was there at Clarence's while Sydney was talking to both Lee and Adrian. What he had to say to Sydney after that wasn't pretty at all. Sydney was not supposed to socialize with the "vampires" and no he would not expedite a doctor's note to excuse Jill from P.E because their job is to keep her alive not comfortable. Keith told her that he would over look this incident but not to let it happen again or he'd have her taken off the duty.  

Funny thing is Adrian heard all that. He actually apologized for Keith because he shouldn't be such an ass. Back at the dorms, once Sydney got back, she got an earful from Jill. Jill knew about the entire visit with Adrian. She didn't expect Adrian to call Jill so soon or to tell her everything that had happened. 

Saved by the call, Sydney's new "boss" called her to get her coffee. Yes Sydney is taking up her last period bu helping her new teacher with her book. Meeting her at the library, Sydney collects more information about her tattoo puzzle. It turns out that people are getting metallic tattoos to either get high or improve their physical skills. The only people that Sydney knows can do that are the Alchemists and they had spent years perfecting the formula. 

This is the last kicker in the chapters. When Sydney got back to the dorm after a late and confusing night, Jill was crying in her sleep. When she woke the girl, Jill started apologizing about how she acted and what Keith had said. It left a lingering question in Sydney's mind about how close Jill and Adrian really were and what was really going on with everything.