
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Nora Roberts Collection

So as many people know that my book collection is over six thousand books now. If I actually took the time to count them right now, it may very well be over that by now. 

However, even my husband knows that there is one author that I prize above all others. Her name is Nora Roberts. 

That is not to say that the other authors I read aren't great or one of my favorites, just that Nora Roberts will always come first in my book. 

One of the main reasons is because she is the author that got me back into reading in the first place. The very first book I read was Rapture in Death, technically under her pen name J.D Robb. In my 8th grade English class, we were told to partner up and do a type of book report. It was a great assignment because we could pick any book that we wanted. 

My partner was a friend of mine that I had been close to since elementary school and I let her pick the book. She was reading the In Death series by J.D Robb and was on Rapture in Death when the report came around. I said what the hell. At the time I wasn't reading at all so it didn't make any difference to me. 

Let me tell you, that book got me right back into reading. After I read Rapture in Death, I had to go back to the beginning. It was a series that I kept up with and still do to this day. When I discovered that J.D Robb was a pen name for Nora Roberts I just had to see what she was like and I was not disappointed. 

Nora Roberts got me back into reading and I absolutely love her. I hope that when we go to Boonsboro, I can meet her. I'll be star struck. It'll be a dream come true. Which is why I doubt it lol. 

I have collected almost every cover of each book. I have the large prints and mass market paperbacks. I'm even starting to collect the hard back versions as well as audio. I have all of the DVD's that were made and will soon be ordering the VHS of the one I don't have. 

I have worked and my husband has worked very hard to make this into a collection and I love him for helping me even though he doesn't read at all. 

If you haven't read her books you really should. 

Nora Roberts goes by J.D Robb, Sarah Hardesty and Jill March.


New Release by J.R Ward

I'm just slightly late on this post but I think everyone will forgive me. 

The beautiful and wonderful J.R Ward has released her newest book in the amazing Black Dagger Brotherhood series. 

For those who like Paranormal Romance or hell if you just like Paranormal books this is the series for you. 

J.R Ward is having a signing event this weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio that I will sadly not be attending. I wish everyone that is going, a great time and I can't wait to see pictures. 

The woman is not only a genius with words but she's also hilarious. I loved seeing her at the Karen Marie Moning signing a couple years ago and I can't wait to be able to go to another event again. 


Monday, March 27, 2017

Escape Part Two by Sydney Holmes

Shane has finally found the love of his life but is he strong enough to keep her?
Rowan is finally living the life she's always wanted but is she strong enough to fight and keep it?

Escape Part One laid the foundation of the relationship budding between Shane and Rowan but now in Part Two we find out if they're strong enough to fight for their love and keep the life that they've started to build together. 

It's time for all the secrets to come out now and Shane is determined to protect Rowan at any cost. While Rowan's gut instinct is to run, she has to find the strength to trust Shane to help her fight her demons. 

Finally seeing Rowan happy, Justin is willing to do what it takes on his part to keep her that way. Shane's friends and the ones that he runs his PI company with are also willing to stand by their best friend. 

A new threat is rising. The cult is now looking for them nationwide and has now hired Shane's company to help them. 

This threat is hitting close to home and it' scaring Rowan to no end. Now not only does she have to trust Shane but now she has to place her trust in two other men she knows nothing about. 

The fear is real. The battle has just begun. 

Who will win?
Shane and Rowan or the cult that seems dead set on Rowan returning to them?

Hopefully I did the book justice without giving too much away :)

Happy reading everyone!!!!

Lisa Renee Jones' New Book Contest

This is just a short post informing everyone of the new contest on GoodReads for the new Lisa Renee Jones book Provocative.

The giveaway ends in 21 Days and counting. According to GoodReads there are five copies available and 636 people have entered already...including me lol.

Ending April 17th so sign up today and cross your fingers :)

If you don't sign up, fingers crossed for me lol Good Luck everyone!!!!

Happy Reading!!!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Escape Part One by Sydney Holmes

This was the first book that I read this year. Surprisingly, I found this book as an ad on my Facebook page. A lot of authors are now using Facebook to promote their work and it really does work. They put up the cover of their book or maybe a picture with the main characters and a small blurb or excerpt from the book. It definitely is enough to hook you in. 

Escape Part One is obviously the first part in a three part story of a woman who escaped a cult. This first part is all about being out and staying out. 

Rowan Baker just escaped from a lunatic, from a crazy cult. The last thing she wants is to get involved with anyone when she's so busy trying to stay under the cult's radar AND trying to make an actual life for herself. She's strong and independent, but most important, she's a survivor. 

Shane Adams is used to a certain way of life. He and his best friends are P.I's and they're damn good at what they do. He enjoys puzzles and Rowan is a puzzle he just has to solve. It helps that she's beautiful and he can't stop thinking of her. 

The secrets that Rowan keeps could very well push Shane away but what could possibly be wrong with having an affair...just for a little while. Two consensual adults with burning passion between them, sure what could go wrong with that. 

Emotions. That's what goes wrong with that. Shane starts to fall for Rowan and he doesn't even have all the pieces yet. Rowan knows she's falling for Shane too but to keep him safe (so she believes) her secrets need to remain hers and maybe it's time to run again. 

Part one sets the stage for these two heroes. Will they succeed in building their life or will it all come crashing down around them? 

Take a chance with a new book, you won't regret it!!

Happy Reading Everyone!! 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

NEW Lisa Renee Jones

So I went back onto Facebook to double check my dates and all but this news is too big for me to keep in.

One of my favorite authors of all time, Lisa Renee Jones has new duet coming out starting April 18th.

Provocative is the first book and will be released in e-book on April 18th
Shameless is book two and will be released in e-book on July 11th

Now for those of you that are like me and don't like e-books and I know that there are quite a few of y'all out there. I love not being the weird one about this topic lol, I have been assured that there will be paperback copies.

When those copies will be coming out we're not too sure. I was told maybe when Shameless comes out or sooner. So I'll keep my eyes and ears open for it for sure.

Those of you who do like e-books, y'all definitely have to try out these books!!!

I'll never turn away a Lisa Renee Jones book and I'll always recommend them.

Good Reading Everyone :)

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Late Start, Kickstart to the Year

So it's a bit late in the year but here I am ready to kick it off right here, right now lol.

We're kicking it off with the GoodReads book challenge. A yearly challenge that GoodReads posts where you set a goal of how many books you want to read within the year.

This year I set the same goal that I did last year, 100 books. Last year I didn't reach that goal, no excuses, I just didn't do it. This year I seem to keep running one book behind. If I'm going to keep being behind then I'm going to do it because I'm writing about the books I love.

I know that everyone that reads this isn't a member of GoodReads so I'm wondering out there. Does anyone have a book goal or if you are a member of GoodReads did you set a goal up with them?

Goal or not though the important thing is to have fun and enjoy what you're reading. Without that joy the goal is meaningless.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

WOW! It's Been Forever!!!

So I took a look at what I've posted before and I haven't posted here since July. Now a lot of people would be asking why would I give up something that I love to do. This was the one thing that I was passionate about once Bubblews went down. It was a great paying site where I could write what I wanted and usually it was about books. Once it went down I lost that outlet. So I started my own blog.

Once I started this however, I was seeing that no one was really reading what I was writing. Well, some people were reading but there were no comments and no interactions. Without interactions, there was no point in writing.

Now that I have a few more friends, I've been thinking about giving this another try. I love talking about books and maybe giving people a new way to think about the plot of a book. There's also a chance that the way I look at a book may help you to even find the plot in general.

This is my chance to talk about a book in its entirety, or chapter by chapter. To do the latter however involves more spoilers. When I do a chapter, I will attempt to relay feelings more instead of events in a book. I know that many don't read the same books at the same time or have even read them at all so I'll attempt to consider everyone.

Starting tomorrow I'll be off and running. I'm hoping that this works out better.

Happy trails my friends and I do hope you enjoy.