
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

WOW! It's Been Forever!!!

So I took a look at what I've posted before and I haven't posted here since July. Now a lot of people would be asking why would I give up something that I love to do. This was the one thing that I was passionate about once Bubblews went down. It was a great paying site where I could write what I wanted and usually it was about books. Once it went down I lost that outlet. So I started my own blog.

Once I started this however, I was seeing that no one was really reading what I was writing. Well, some people were reading but there were no comments and no interactions. Without interactions, there was no point in writing.

Now that I have a few more friends, I've been thinking about giving this another try. I love talking about books and maybe giving people a new way to think about the plot of a book. There's also a chance that the way I look at a book may help you to even find the plot in general.

This is my chance to talk about a book in its entirety, or chapter by chapter. To do the latter however involves more spoilers. When I do a chapter, I will attempt to relay feelings more instead of events in a book. I know that many don't read the same books at the same time or have even read them at all so I'll attempt to consider everyone.

Starting tomorrow I'll be off and running. I'm hoping that this works out better.

Happy trails my friends and I do hope you enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to recommended reading. :)

Unknown said...

Awesome can't wait to see what u write

Unknown said...

Thank you both :)