
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It's Here FINALLY IT'S HERE!!!!!

You guessed it right!!! Today is the official release of the much awaited fourth book in the Crossfire series, Captivated by You.

If you have read the first three books like my mother in law and I then you know why this is such a huge deal. Like Fifty Shades of Grey this series was highly addictive, so when Sylvia Day left the third one the way she did, it upset a lot of fans.

If you're like me you waited until all the books came out to read it. My mother in law warned me that I would get addicted to them, that's why I waited. But then Entwined with You left me hanging and it was a whole nother year for this one.

Thankfully I pre-ordered the book so I will get my copy by the end of the week. If you've already read the book no spoilers lol.

Facebook has the first three chapters on there. I read those and now I'm even more itchy for the book now.

The End of Strange Angels by Lili St Crow

I know that I haven't been on here a whole lot but I'm trying to catch up today.

Strange Angels was actually finished a few weeks ago and I've read one book and started another since then.

The problem, with doing this is I don't want to give you the ending.

After chapter 14, Dru got a werewolf to deal with. At least she thinks her friend Graves is a werewolf, turns out he's just loup-garou. He can shift at will pretty much and not as dangerous as an actual werewolf.

Dru also has now confirmed that she's a female djamphir, svetocha. THis means that she is half of what she's been hunting. Dru is part monster, she's part vampire.

How does a girl deal with that plus the death of her father plus being the one that an ancient vampire is trying to kill because she's part sucker.

The plan is for new ally Christophe who is a djamphir himself, to get Dru and Graves to the extraction point...alive.

Yeah, piece of cake ;)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Strange Angels 1-14

Ok so I didn't do this book chapter by chapter and for this book it's pretty ok to do that.

See the chapters in this book are pretty short. We're talking about eight to maybe fifteen pages if you're lucky. It was really easy to get to chapter 15.

From chapter one you're introduced to a relatively normal sixteen-year-old girl. From the synopsis it's pretty hard to believe, I know. Dru worries about the same things we did in high school, hair, make up a female body, you know the usual lol.

Here's the difference: her father and her hunt things that go bump in the night. I know, I know, that line is so cliche but it's true. Lili St. Crow calls it different stuff but it's basically the same. They hunt vampires (suckers) and werewolfs (werewulf) and other random demons and nasties.

Dru's always been the assistant, never the brains or brawn of the duo. But when her dad busts through her kitchen door a zombie, Dru has to act fast. It's hard to kill your own dad even though it's not really him anymore. Somehow she does and leaves him rotting on their frozen living room floor. Dru never turned the heat on the night before while she was waiting for her dad to come home from his hunt.

With her father dead, what will she do now? Enter her new "friend", Graves. She made his acquaintance the first time she skipped school. He gave her a normal place to be at rest for a few hours. Except now she couldn't afford any type of normal. She was digesting killing her father, her father turning into a zombie. The biggest one was that she killed him. When Graves sat in front of her at the mall's food court, his company was not welcome.

Thankfully though he didn't pay attention to her attitude. Graves bought her food and gave her a place to hole up for a while.  Oh yeah and he did this with no questions asked. The break only lasted for a day though, come night time again trouble had found her again.

A burning dog "the size of a shetland pony" had found her in the mall. Thankfully it was after closing time and there was no one there but her and Graves but Graves had gone to someplace else in the mall. Dru had no idea what this thing was, nothing that they had ever encountered before with her dad.

While trying to dodge it she runs into a dumbfound Graves. The burning dog drowns in the mall fountain and behind Graves is a werewulf. Dru raises her gun to fire too slow and it attacks Graves. Sadly it bites him in the shoulder. She fires again and blows out the wolf's jaw, buying her time to get Graves and run.

Think Dru, think. She can' stay in the mall, she has an injured boy that's loosing a lot of blood and going in shock. Oh yeah and he can turn anytime within twelve hours because he was bit and "infected". Dru forces herself to go to the only place that will offer them any shelter: Her house. You know the one where she just shot her dad.

Once they got there and it was a long journey, Dru was so tired she wasn't thinking straight. She striped them both down to underwear and huddled under her blanket in her room. Classic way to fight hypothermia.

Of course she wakes up first and instantly starts thinking again. Need to tie Graves up, wipe down more and get something in her stomach. She wasn't impressed with the plan but it was all she had. If Graves changed she'd be in trouble and more than likely dead. Better to be safe and tie him up.

She wipes down, eats cereal and tried to think about what comes next when Graves wakes up. Needless to say it was an interesting scene, or it would have been for them if she hadn't had the gun in her hand the whole time she was asking questions. The last one asking if he's a virgin and the gun to his head. Yeah, Dru traumatized the poor boy. Satisfied though she untied him and went back downstairs.

So here's where we are in the book now. Graves comes to the conclusion that Dru isn't all that bad and sticks around to help her and asks her twenty questions about what's really out there. Dru is still trying to figure out what to do next. Though having someone with her that isn't abandoning least yet makes her feel a little better.

The burning question in her right now is who hurt her dad and turned him into a zombie because it WAS done on purpose. This was no accident.

Good Morning Bloggers!!!!

Since I seem to disappear on this site often I decided to just start out with a morning post.

Hopefully this reaches more people than it seems to when I look at the views. I was hoping that this site would bring interaction but it doesn't seem to do that.

However I don't write to get noticed, not really anyway lol. I write because I love to write and I love the books that I read and collect.

When I started this blog I was hoping to meet others like me but I'll settle for views.

Stay tuned because Strange Angels will be posted on in a few minutes ;)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

I'm On My Knees Now

Normally if I can't get a book, I would just give up. You know if it's not in print anymore or not in my price range no amount of research or looking will get it for me. 

However when it comes to this specific book, I have now sunk to my knees. This is the only book, literally the only book that I need to complete my Nora Roberts collection. I even have all of her JD Robb books, does that tell you how much I love her?

The only problem right now is that this book is out of print. I wrote to Turn the Page and as of today I have written to Nora Roberts' publisher. I am seriously begging here for this book. 

I can't afford fifty dollars for one book but if I can't find it any other way I'll start putting money aside for it. I've searched high and low and not even second hand stores have the book. 

Now I am asking anyone that sees this post. If you see this book I'd love to know. Not finding it is breaking my heart here. 

Ready to be Bitten...Again

So in my facebook exploration I couldn't find anything in reference to the series Bitten that was adapted into a TV show from the series by Kelley Armstrong.

I was lucky enough to catch the last few episodes before it went off this year and I have to say it was a good show. No, I will not be reading the book just yet but I really want to.

Ok so, I didn't find anything on facebook like I said, however I did find in a google search that Sci-fi is picking the show up.

Supposedly next year Sci-Fi will be airing Bitten season 2 for all of us followers to see and I for one am very excited.

Hopefully my husband loves me enough to get me the first season so I can catch up on everything before the second season comes on lol.

Who is a fan of this series by Kelley Armstrong?

Are You Prepared?

In 16 days the last installment of the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day will be released. If you love it as much as I do, then you've already pre-ordered your copy.

I must say that the timing of the release is beautiful. Being in November, my husband pre-ordered it for me for Christmas then I turned around and got the whole series for two of my friends.

If you like Fifty Shades of Grey then you will enjoy Crossfire. I'll admit that I only read Fifty Shades to see what all the hype was about. Then I ended up addicted to it.

My MIL's friend told me while I was reading FIfty Shades Darker, that Crossfire is better than Fifty Shades. So I very diplomatically said that I would check it out once I finished the Fifty Trilogy.

Now I have to say that there is no competition between the two series. They are both very good just different angles.

I would recommend that if you enjoy FIfty Shades, check out the Crossfire series......but wait till you can get the whole set because it is very addicting.

I Seem to be Falling Way Behind Here

I'm falling way way way behind on here. After I finished Bloodlines I started a new book almost immediately but I forgot to post about it.

Over the past week or so I have been reading Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow. I had borrowed this book a while ago from the library in Maryland and last year for Christmas my husband bought me the whole collection of them. He's so sweet to me :)

Sadly though I just got around to re-reading the first book this year. It's November now and I have also come to the conclusion that I won't make my hundred book goal for the year. I tried but things got a little crazy this year.

Anyway back to Strange Angels. Since this is the first post about the book, I'll start by giving everyone the synopsis that's on the back of the book and let you make your own judgement from that right now.

"The Real World is a frightening place. Just ask sixteen-year-old orphan Dru Anderson, a tough girl who has taken down her fair share of bad guys. She's armed, dangerous, and ready to kill first and ask questions later. So it's gonna take her a while to figure out who she can trust...

Dru Anderson has been "strange" for as long as she can remember, travelling from town to town with her father to hunt the things that go bump in the night. It's a weird life, but a good one- until it all explodes in an icy, broken-down Dakota town, when a hungry zombie busts through her kitchen door. Alone, terrified, and trapped, Dru;s going to need every inch of her wit and training to stay alive. The monsters have decided to hunt back- and this time, Dru's on their menu. Chances of survival? Slim to none.

If she can't last until sunup, it's game over..."

Sounds ominous huh? Let me know your first impressions :)