
Sunday, November 2, 2014

I'm On My Knees Now

Normally if I can't get a book, I would just give up. You know if it's not in print anymore or not in my price range no amount of research or looking will get it for me. 

However when it comes to this specific book, I have now sunk to my knees. This is the only book, literally the only book that I need to complete my Nora Roberts collection. I even have all of her JD Robb books, does that tell you how much I love her?

The only problem right now is that this book is out of print. I wrote to Turn the Page and as of today I have written to Nora Roberts' publisher. I am seriously begging here for this book. 

I can't afford fifty dollars for one book but if I can't find it any other way I'll start putting money aside for it. I've searched high and low and not even second hand stores have the book. 

Now I am asking anyone that sees this post. If you see this book I'd love to know. Not finding it is breaking my heart here. 

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