
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost--Sorry

There are a few reasons I haven't been on here lately and really they're just excuses. In actuality I should be on here more. See this is why I don't have an actual website of my own.

Anyway, I'm getting used to my husband's laptop right now, so I'm slower than usual typing. The plan though is to totally catch up today. A tall order when I'm so far behind.

Today we're starting with Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost, the second book in the Night Prince Series. I can say series because there will be a fourth book coming out, I believe next year.

In book two of the Night Prince series, Leila tries to show Vlad just how much she loves him. However, Vlad refuses to face that fact and it leads to Leila moving out. 

Maximus is charged with getting her back to her best friend, Marty, safely. It seems fine and Leila wants to get back to  normal, to try and heal here broken heart. It's just not as easy as it sounds. 

Marty found someone to  replace her in their circus act and the trailer is actually too small for three people to live in. While trying to sell some of the jewels Vlad had made her leave with, Marty's trailer explodes. Thankfully, Leila was still covered in Vlad's aura so the fire that had melted everything around her, just passed over her. 

Maximus, who should have left after dropping Leila off, teams up with her to find out who killed Marty and the new kid in the trailer. Not wanting to believe it, Leila has to accept Maximus' idea that it could be Vlad behind the attack. 

It doesn't take too long before Leila is kidnapped....again. It seems that it's becoming a new fad to kidnap her and quite frankly Leila is getting tired of it. 

During her captivity though, she discovers it's not Vlad behind the attacks and she's more powerful than she realized at first. Her emotions power her electricity and it helps when she slays every vampire on the ship where she's being transported to God only knows where to an unknown buyer.  

The last thing that she wanted to do was go back to living with Vlad yet he gives her no choice. When he comes to  get her and save Maximus and other humans on the boat that was his ultimatum to her.

Being back with Vlad hurts them both more than Leila had realized. Yet when she says she loves him again Vlad insists that she only knows the man in fantasies not him.

You know staying safe with Vlad is one thing, especially now that her powers are slowly killing her. When she over uses her psychic powers, Leila dies unless she gets vampire blood immediately.

That doesn't stop her though from going down to the weapons room and running her hand across all the weapons, learning about Vlad's past through his his eyes. Thus proving she loves him and not some made up version of him.

Once Leila gets Vlad to admit that he loves her the wedding happens immediately. Yes, I know that we've set aside the actual plot of finding out who kidnapped Leila, for romance but after all it is a paranormal romance.

This also solidifies that Leila is Vlad's greatest weakness. The love that they have is so strong and he is so old fashioned, he MUST protect her. Not to mention is something happened to her, the world would burn. Those were his words somewhere in the book lol.

It takes some effort but Leila does figure out who is behind everything. A witch that Vlad used to bed, Cynthiana. Though she's not in it alone.

However the downfall is, Leila does die. In using her powers too much, this time saving her sister and human friend Sandra from one of Vlad's people turned traitor. Having ingested so much of Vlad's blood though, started the transformation.

Vlad got there just in time to be able to finish turning Leila into a vampire. She had made the choice to turn but her ability of choosing when and easing her family into it was taken from her.

It takes time for her to get herself right again. The bloodlust in the beginning really does make you crazy. Her father stops talking to her because he doesn't approve of her choices yet it's her sister, Gretchen that surprises her.

Gretchen not only approves but since she was there and watched her sister die, she's so elated that Vlad was able to bring her back to her. It actually brought the two closer than they had been in a while.

Together, Leila and Vlad will find who is behind these attacks and together they will bring them down.

As it turns out though, it's just one. An enemy that Vlad thought he had destroyed ages ago. Vlad knows who he is now and it's time to set things right and make sure he's dead....for good this time.

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