
Monday, February 23, 2015

Bound by Flames by Jeaniene Frost

So we temporarily conclude the Night Prince series by Jeaniene Frost with Bound by Flames. It moves much quicker than I thought it would and we got redundant.

Now that Leila is a vampire, Vlad is treating her like an equal in certain ways. However when it comes to protecting her it's a job that he doesn't take lightly.

While Vlad goes out in search of his old enemy, he wants Leila to stay home and safe with his men. Sounds good right. The beginning of the book is starting off great because Leila will be safe seeing as she agrees to stay home.

That was all part of his enemies plan. Though Leila being home wasn't nothing but luck for him. She gets kidnapped....again.

See the redundancy yet?

Trying to get one step ahead of his enemy, Vlad had gone to see his old friend Maximus, who he had banished to try to get him to agree to be his spy. With knowledge of his banishment no one would suspect that Vlad would employ Maximus again and there would more than likely be a grudge.

It is actually lucky for Leila that Maximus had agreed to this plan because once she is kidnapped, it's Maximus that actually makes it just slightly easier on her compared to the horrors that could have been.

Leila endured her skin being flayed off of her and mock rape. It was horrible for her in more than one way. With her powers, she lives with essences, when her skin was flayed, he took off her sister's and father's and most importantly her mother's essence leaving her feeling like a stranger in her new skin.

It takes her time to get some kind of strength back, and even for a time she can only just see Vlad. She can see how mad he is and mad isn't even the word he was beyond livid. Vlad actually burned the rest of his house down he was so mad. Finally she gets to him and was able to tell him where she was.

The rescue was weird because Vlad's friend Cat summoned the dead to help get her out and Vlad had to wear a disguise to get to her. Obviously this isn't the whole story though, if you think about it, you probably could make that one whole story.

Anyway, I didn't write it and Jeaniene obviously didn't want that to be the whole story.

It's weird for Leila to be around everyone again and touching is weird but good. It's really hard for Leila to be touched by Vlad because when Maximus had snuck in blood for her she felt like she was cheating on Vlad. It's not something that sat well with her.

When she finally told him, he didn't hold anything against her. It's a natural reaction for a vampire that has been deprived of blood to act wild when they finally get it. It wasn't a big deal.

The whole situation had take some getting used to, especially when Leila falls asleep and tries to kill Vlad and herself. Turns out that Vlad's enemy got smart and had a necromancer put a spell on her. One that not even Vlad's old mentor, Mecheres, can break. The solution....burn Leila while she sleeps to weaken the spell.

Thanks to Mencheres though, with magic he grows her hair back...all of it. The kind on her head and eyebrows. It's a long journey to get to the bottom of everything and then add in the battle of fighting Vlad's anger as well.  

But wait, there's more!!!!

Leila is connected the necromancer. Anything that happens to one happens to the other.

Uh-oh!! What happens now?

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