
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Chapter Three- Enter the Party

Lol yeah you kind of have to laugh at seeing the first little phrase under the Chapter 3: "Palm Springs was agony". Wow, what a way to start off.

In this chapter, we see Sydney and Keith drive up to Palm Springs to ready things for Jill and her dhampir. Richelle doesn't say for sure if he is her official guardian or not.

The whole drive, Keith is saying how bad the Moroi are and how dhampirs are worse because they are neither human nor vampire. They should never have exist in the first place.

Once they are all settled in for the arrival of everyone, Keith goes home and instead of staying with him Sydney decides to just get a hotel room. Are you getting how bad she hates him yet?

She settles down and starts to relax just a little and decides to call her mother. The way she left had Sydney feeling uneasy to say the least. When she called it was nice to talk to her mom but things got tense quickly because her father had snuck her out of the house without letting Sydney say good-bye.

See Sydney's mom has no part in the Alchemists, she is a mechanic and really hates how they treated Sydney. She had even said that at times she hates Sydney's father and what is a daughter supposed to say to that? Especially one that still years for her father's love and approval.

Not to mention when Sydney had left, she left with her sister furious at her. Zoe was also fighting for her father's love and approval and in protecting Zoe, Sydney made her look incompetent in front of all the superiors. It hurt Sydney badly to have to leave her without setting things right, but it wouldn't matter anyway because of the oath in the tattoo on her cheek keeps her from talking against the Alchemists.

She wants Zoe to grow up and be her own person, live her own life. Once she would join the Alchemists  her life would be theirs. You make no decision on your own and you believe what they tell you without a doubt as well as do exactly what they say. Why is it so bad that Sydney doesn't want that for her sister? Sydney can't get out because she's already in and won't risk them taking Zoe.

Now here's the absolute funniest part of chapter three. All that talk Keith had put up about how bad the Moroi are but he can handle being around them when necessary...yeah total b.s.

They went to the house where the only Moroi they know lives in Palm Springs to meet Jill. Not only was Jill there but so was Abe Mazur, Adrian Ivashkov, the host was Clarence and Eddie Castile (the dhampir).

Keith was scared out of his mind and made himself look like a fool. Adrian opened the door for them and Keith stood there with his jaw down to the ground. Of course Adrian being Adrian had to antagonize the poor boy.

Much to Sydney's nightmares, Abe was there as well which meant all of her secrets were there as well. If she was in trouble for helping Rose then if the Alchemists found out she was making deals with a Moroi she would really be in trouble.

Hopefully in chapter four we find that the zmey (the snake in Russian) will keep her secrets between them and only them.

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