
Monday, September 22, 2014

First Days are Horrible- Chapter Six

Yeah Sydney's day may have started off great but like most first days of school they take a turn for the worst. Think about. When have you had a great first day of school?

The first day of school you worry about how you're dressed and where you'll end up, where your friends will end up. It never goes completely smooth. 

In Sydney's case though, she was homeschooled her whole life so this experience is even more foreign to her then Jill or Eddie because though they are coming from a Private school, they still had to be social with others. 

The dress at Amberwood is about the same as Sydney wears day to day as an Alchemist so the uniform doesn't bother her in the least. Jill on the other hand detests it, as any girl used to wearing her own style would say lol. 

Jill and Eddie were easily placed in classes while it was Sydney the poor girl that was hard to place. With her being homeschooled she knew everything. However with this being a cover up and all, the Alchemists had her records faked and she had to take mostly classes that she already knew. The counselor mentioned she had to take a course in forgein language and that was Sydney's line. When she told the woman that she spoke five languages fluently, of course she wanted Sydney to take the tests to prove it. 

Sydney became a teacher's pet in her Ancient History class. She loves the topic and the sub-topics were things that her father had felt that she didn't need to know but loved to learn about. Many of the topics, Sydney had taught herself in what down time she had from the Alchemists. 

Here's one of the best parts about this chapter, you get the definition of an Alchemist plus how it relates to the book. For once I'll quote the book. 

"The Alchemists had arisen in the Middle Ages as 'magical scientists' trying to turn lead into gold. From those early experiments, they'd gone on to discover the special properties of vampire blood and how it reacted with other substances, eventually branching out into the crusade to keep vampires and humans separate from one another."

I think that it's amazing how an author can combine their fictional world with actual facts and actually be clear. Some can't mix the two and have a clear definition. 

Now here is where we also add another layer of mystery in the plot. Everyone keeps staring at Sydney's tattoo on her face. All Alchemists have one to keep them from talking about the Alchemists and their duties. The two girls that Sydney actually talks to so far actually asks her what it does. Weird question to ask about a tattoo don't you think? 

A Tattoo doesn't do anything but look good. When Sydney asks why they would ask that type of question.....go figure bell rings, time to go back to class. On top of that quizzical conversation, Jill seems to be missing. Not trying to cause a stir, Sydney asked her P.E teacher where her 'sister' might be. All she could tell her was that she was sent to her dorm. 

Try not to laugh on this one, Jill was sent back to her dorm before first period even ended ready?....For having a hangover. Now Sydney had been with Jill all night, they're roommates after all and Sydney even got up to check on Jill once during the night. Jill was sound asleep. 

However if you were to look at the girl you would think the exact same thing. The only thing she asked of Sydney was to take her to Adrian. Now Sydney had stood up for the girl saying she would go fight her case for her but Jill didn't want that, just Adrian. 

Oh yeah and to not tell Eddie about the trip because for some reason he would flip out. 

So lets just recap the mysteries we have in only six chapters:
*Why Jill is so tightly bound to Adrian?
*Why Sydney's tattoo is such a big deal?
*And why is Eddie so nervous around his roommate, Micah?

Three mysteries in six chapters, will there be more lol

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