
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

If I Were You by Lisa Renee Jones

This is my first book of the new year and I have to say I picked a good one. I'm about 44% of the way through it according to GoodReads, in my terms I'm on chapter 15 lol.

So far we have Sara McMillan, a poor high school teacher with a dream of working in the art field. Her best friend, Ella, buys a storage container as her latest venture that has many hidden secrets. Ella rushes off in the middle of the night to get married, leaving the storage container in Sara's hands.

In this storage container lies journals of a woman named Rebecca. Rebecca's journals are very erotic and for a school teacher that has a scarred past and no current life, reading them was exciting. Until Sara came upon more troubling entries.

These entries lead her to look for Rebecca. Sara just wants to know that she is alright and to return her things to her. This path leads her to her dream.

Sara has always wanted to work around art, however she knew that dreams don't pay the bills. When she finds out that Rebecca works at one of the more prestigious art galleries, Sara gets immediately fascinated.

Every time Sara calls to talk to Rebecca, every person says that she is on a type of vacation. The gallery hosted an Alverez art show for charity that week, giving Sara the PERFECT excuse for her to indulge herself and also to go and physically seek out Rebecca.

That night changed her life.....

Feel free to contemplate on those changes and I'll be back with more later on today because that's just the beginning.

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