
Monday, January 19, 2015

Revealing Us- Lisa Renee Jones

I am so ahead of myself right now it's not even funny. This is how addicted to the series I am. When I finished the second book in this series, Being Me, I started the next one right away. I barely even got the post up about the second book before I started it.

However I was so caught up in the book, I finished it in two days. That's me TRYING to stretch the book out because I won't get the next one until tomorrow. Now I finished it on Saturday and I won't get the next book I was missing until tomorrow, Tuesday. That's a long wait for me lol.

Even though I am ahead of myself though I will stick to the way that I've been posting lol. I'll post up the synopsis so you can draw your own conclusions then I'll post everything else lol.

"He has become her life, her heart, her very soul. But he is dark and damaged, and his secrets are many. Sara will risk everything for him. He, in turn, will dare to expose his deepest needs, his most erotic desires. And in the fury of passion he will reveal all that torments him, all that he can never escape. To love him, Sara must embrace the darkest part of him, and become his shelter in a storm that will be his ultimate salvation."

Really it's not as bad as it seems in the synopsis, I can promise you that. Enjoy :)

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