
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Totally T'd Off Right now

I just spent over a half hour on the phone with Barnes and Noble, literally just now.

I have been a frequent customer of theirs for over ten years now and this is the first time that I have ever had a problem with them.

Burned came out on the 20th, like just in time for the signing Karen Marie Moning is holding on the 24th. My husband loves me, and he pre-ordered it for me on the 15th of December. Because however we are only a one income household, I couldn't afford the expedited shipping just the standard.

I never got any notice about the book at all from them so when I hadn't gotten a notice I got curious. When I logged onto my account today though I was shocked.

The book seriously will not get here until I'm on my way home from the signing. So naturally I start panicking. I don't buy hardbacks, they're just too expensive. COme on this one cost me $20 bucks and it's not even signed yet.

Get my head on straight and a recommendation from my Aunt and my mom, I call Barnes and Noble. I was on hold most of the freaking time, it's ridiculous. It's like they put you on hold to get rid of you. If they leave you there long enough you'll just hang up.

I get a nice foreign girl. Can barely understand her, that pretty much says she can't do anything. That's the first 15 minutes. After that I get transferred to a supervisor.

I don't want much, honestly I don't. All I wanted was either to have the book intercepted and taken to Murfreesboro or just give me a small discount on the book because I have to get my husband to take a whole day off of work to take me an hour and half out to get a new book.

It's not really a whole big issue. Of course though there is nothing anyone can do. Go figure, my once in a lifetime shot is close to becoming one of my biggest breakdowns all because I'm poor basically.

My husband is the only one that works and we had to money into the car to be able to make the trip. Now lets go to the hotel costs and food. Plus now another hour and half's worth of gas and another 20 for another book.

You know being poor sucks because of things like this. You must have to hit the lotto or something to be able to afford to go to a signing

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