
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Karen Marie Moning Book Signing 1/24/15

I really meant to post this sooner lol. I've been riding on this really great high since that Saturday.

Most people, I think are like me. They think that when you make it big that the person stops caring about the little people that helped them get there. In fact, I'm finding out that the exact opposite is the truth.

My husband, two friends of ours as well as myself obviously lol, went to Newport on the Levee Friday night to get to this signing. Five hours of driving in snow lol so much fun.

We got there about four in the morning Saturday, maybe a little later because it's harder to drive at night than it is in the morning. The men dropped us girls off in the line then went back to the car to crash.

My crazy ass stood in line in the cold until 9 am when Barnes and Noble started handing out the bands for the Q&A with Karen Marie Moning and J.R Ward.

They started sitting people at like 12:15. I am happy to say that I was number 33 so my seat was safe lol. I was so excited though, my friend Jessie told me it was like watching her kids at Christmas. THe excitment was just too much to contain. Then when the authors started talking I was much farther than cloud nine. 

J.R Ward is too funny and it was amazing to just sit back and watch. Jessie egged me on saying I wanted to raise my hand but with this being my very first signing I was happy to just listen. 

There's a website called PopWrapped that did a coverage on the Q&A. It was an amazing job so you may want to check it out. 

Karen was very personable with her audience as well. My phone had died before the signing but when I went up for her to sign my book she said she liked my outfit. 

I may not have had a camera but I will NEVER forget that moment. I don't think that I can even look at that outfit the same ever again!!!!!!

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