
Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Crossfire Series by Sylvia Day

Ok so with there being so many books in this series I decided to do this all in one post. I should go back and do synopsis-es and I probably will even though that means back tracking just because that way people can draw they're own conclusions about the book without my point of view persuading them at all.

Four books span the new relationship between Gideon Cross and Eva Tramell. Four books span over only a few short months.

From the time they met in Bared to You to the public break up but not break up between them in Reflected in You to their cinematic worthy reunion and marriage in Entwined with You to finally they're private separation in Captivated by You.

The whole series has been a roller coaster of ups and downs for them both as well as Eva's best friend Carey. Everyone in this story is in some way fucked up in the head. Things were done in their past to doubt themselves and any future they deserve.

The books are most definitely classified as erotic romance so if you can't handle heart pounding, rough sex don't pick up the book.

In my opinion I think that the plot is great. It doesn't matter that Gideon is rich because so is Eva in a way. Gideon was lost in his own way and Eva found him and brought him out into the light. It's hard for him to come to terms with what was done to him as a child and Eva is having a hard time waiting for that part of him to find peace.

That might sound but she's a survivor as well. Eva herself was raped as a child and had even suffered a miscarriage by her attacker. It's not the fact that Gideon won't talk to her about anything but he won't talk to anyone. It's a strain on their already strenuous relationship.

That's the big thing in Bared to You. Just to admit that something happened because she's shown him her demons.

In Reflected in You things seem to be going great that is there's progress being made in their relationship lol. But then enter in ex-lover from her past Brent and attacker Nathan. So many secrets are being kept and it's killing Eva. Gideon withdraws from her almost completely without actually saying that they've broken up. Eva assumes that. The only thing Gideon says to her when he does get the chance is wait for him.

Complete mystery as to why. Eva goes completely mental though and here's why. When she can finally get out of her Gideon induced coma, she has a spa day. Cuts her hair and changes her nails from neutral to red. Determined still to understand Gideon's past, Eva confronts his old pediatrician, his mother and I'm pretty sure there was one other person....oh yeah Corrine the ex-girlfriend that still swears that she'll end up with Gideon not Eva.

Yeah Eva becomes hell on heels. Turns out that Nathan is also dead, so the cops come poking around. We get the picture however towards the end. Sylvia Day doesn't leave us in a complete mystery thankfully.

Entwined with You, slowly brings Eva and Gideon back together. It's such a welcoming sight that it could break your heart. Brent is still a problem because he wants another chance with Eva. In his world if Gideon deserves a second chance than so does he. Needless to say that will never happen, Eva is too much in love with Gideon.

Gideon whisks her away for a small vacation with just the two of them. It's a beautiful beach house but once again Gideon seems to withdraw from her with no reason. Eva being Eva decides after a very awkward dinner to throw herself in to the ocean and just let go. Gideon being Gideon drags her out and not in the most romantic way asks her to marry him.

They'll do another ceremony later but he wants something small, private and immediate. It was actually the happiest day of their life at that time. No one knows and how Eva is going to keep this secret from Carey, she doesn't know.

Which now brings us to her latest installment, Captivated by You. Nothing has seriously changed. Gideon is still trying to get used to giving Eva freedom yet at the same time trying to keep her safe. They start compromising somewhat well yet he hasn't let go of the fact that he wants Eva working for him.

It's something that Eva was working around to agreeing to but Gideon screwed it up by asking her current boss to go work for him. Gideon gave him a secure position and a raise to make the move not only because he's good at what he does but because he wants Eva to make the move with him.

This drives Eva away. She stays with her mom and step-father with Carey while trying to get her head on straight. This drives Gideon to talk to their therapist about his dreams and his past. A ray of hope also shines through when he calls Eva and they start talking. He admits that he was wrong, tells her about his session and then they just talk.

It was what they were missing, not the sexual life or at least not just that, but just being with each other and how easy it is. They can act normal when they want to lol.

They are still in love and are still saying they're engaged but it's just taking a little time to get back to where they were when things made sense. They're also learning how to face problems together and Gideon is trying to stop going behind Eva's back to do things.

I guess we have to wait until the next book though to see the big wedding and how far they come together.

Personally I can't wait lol.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Bound by Flames by Jeaniene Frost

So we temporarily conclude the Night Prince series by Jeaniene Frost with Bound by Flames. It moves much quicker than I thought it would and we got redundant.

Now that Leila is a vampire, Vlad is treating her like an equal in certain ways. However when it comes to protecting her it's a job that he doesn't take lightly.

While Vlad goes out in search of his old enemy, he wants Leila to stay home and safe with his men. Sounds good right. The beginning of the book is starting off great because Leila will be safe seeing as she agrees to stay home.

That was all part of his enemies plan. Though Leila being home wasn't nothing but luck for him. She gets kidnapped....again.

See the redundancy yet?

Trying to get one step ahead of his enemy, Vlad had gone to see his old friend Maximus, who he had banished to try to get him to agree to be his spy. With knowledge of his banishment no one would suspect that Vlad would employ Maximus again and there would more than likely be a grudge.

It is actually lucky for Leila that Maximus had agreed to this plan because once she is kidnapped, it's Maximus that actually makes it just slightly easier on her compared to the horrors that could have been.

Leila endured her skin being flayed off of her and mock rape. It was horrible for her in more than one way. With her powers, she lives with essences, when her skin was flayed, he took off her sister's and father's and most importantly her mother's essence leaving her feeling like a stranger in her new skin.

It takes her time to get some kind of strength back, and even for a time she can only just see Vlad. She can see how mad he is and mad isn't even the word he was beyond livid. Vlad actually burned the rest of his house down he was so mad. Finally she gets to him and was able to tell him where she was.

The rescue was weird because Vlad's friend Cat summoned the dead to help get her out and Vlad had to wear a disguise to get to her. Obviously this isn't the whole story though, if you think about it, you probably could make that one whole story.

Anyway, I didn't write it and Jeaniene obviously didn't want that to be the whole story.

It's weird for Leila to be around everyone again and touching is weird but good. It's really hard for Leila to be touched by Vlad because when Maximus had snuck in blood for her she felt like she was cheating on Vlad. It's not something that sat well with her.

When she finally told him, he didn't hold anything against her. It's a natural reaction for a vampire that has been deprived of blood to act wild when they finally get it. It wasn't a big deal.

The whole situation had take some getting used to, especially when Leila falls asleep and tries to kill Vlad and herself. Turns out that Vlad's enemy got smart and had a necromancer put a spell on her. One that not even Vlad's old mentor, Mecheres, can break. The solution....burn Leila while she sleeps to weaken the spell.

Thanks to Mencheres though, with magic he grows her hair back...all of it. The kind on her head and eyebrows. It's a long journey to get to the bottom of everything and then add in the battle of fighting Vlad's anger as well.  

But wait, there's more!!!!

Leila is connected the necromancer. Anything that happens to one happens to the other.

Uh-oh!! What happens now?

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost--Sorry

There are a few reasons I haven't been on here lately and really they're just excuses. In actuality I should be on here more. See this is why I don't have an actual website of my own.

Anyway, I'm getting used to my husband's laptop right now, so I'm slower than usual typing. The plan though is to totally catch up today. A tall order when I'm so far behind.

Today we're starting with Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost, the second book in the Night Prince Series. I can say series because there will be a fourth book coming out, I believe next year.

In book two of the Night Prince series, Leila tries to show Vlad just how much she loves him. However, Vlad refuses to face that fact and it leads to Leila moving out. 

Maximus is charged with getting her back to her best friend, Marty, safely. It seems fine and Leila wants to get back to  normal, to try and heal here broken heart. It's just not as easy as it sounds. 

Marty found someone to  replace her in their circus act and the trailer is actually too small for three people to live in. While trying to sell some of the jewels Vlad had made her leave with, Marty's trailer explodes. Thankfully, Leila was still covered in Vlad's aura so the fire that had melted everything around her, just passed over her. 

Maximus, who should have left after dropping Leila off, teams up with her to find out who killed Marty and the new kid in the trailer. Not wanting to believe it, Leila has to accept Maximus' idea that it could be Vlad behind the attack. 

It doesn't take too long before Leila is kidnapped....again. It seems that it's becoming a new fad to kidnap her and quite frankly Leila is getting tired of it. 

During her captivity though, she discovers it's not Vlad behind the attacks and she's more powerful than she realized at first. Her emotions power her electricity and it helps when she slays every vampire on the ship where she's being transported to God only knows where to an unknown buyer.  

The last thing that she wanted to do was go back to living with Vlad yet he gives her no choice. When he comes to  get her and save Maximus and other humans on the boat that was his ultimatum to her.

Being back with Vlad hurts them both more than Leila had realized. Yet when she says she loves him again Vlad insists that she only knows the man in fantasies not him.

You know staying safe with Vlad is one thing, especially now that her powers are slowly killing her. When she over uses her psychic powers, Leila dies unless she gets vampire blood immediately.

That doesn't stop her though from going down to the weapons room and running her hand across all the weapons, learning about Vlad's past through his his eyes. Thus proving she loves him and not some made up version of him.

Once Leila gets Vlad to admit that he loves her the wedding happens immediately. Yes, I know that we've set aside the actual plot of finding out who kidnapped Leila, for romance but after all it is a paranormal romance.

This also solidifies that Leila is Vlad's greatest weakness. The love that they have is so strong and he is so old fashioned, he MUST protect her. Not to mention is something happened to her, the world would burn. Those were his words somewhere in the book lol.

It takes some effort but Leila does figure out who is behind everything. A witch that Vlad used to bed, Cynthiana. Though she's not in it alone.

However the downfall is, Leila does die. In using her powers too much, this time saving her sister and human friend Sandra from one of Vlad's people turned traitor. Having ingested so much of Vlad's blood though, started the transformation.

Vlad got there just in time to be able to finish turning Leila into a vampire. She had made the choice to turn but her ability of choosing when and easing her family into it was taken from her.

It takes time for her to get herself right again. The bloodlust in the beginning really does make you crazy. Her father stops talking to her because he doesn't approve of her choices yet it's her sister, Gretchen that surprises her.

Gretchen not only approves but since she was there and watched her sister die, she's so elated that Vlad was able to bring her back to her. It actually brought the two closer than they had been in a while.

Together, Leila and Vlad will find who is behind these attacks and together they will bring them down.

As it turns out though, it's just one. An enemy that Vlad thought he had destroyed ages ago. Vlad knows who he is now and it's time to set things right and make sure he's dead....for good this time.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Callingon All Avid Lisa Renee Jones Readers

Lisa Renee Jones just released her final book in the Inside Out Series on February second. There were many people that were excited about it's release as I was.

It saddened me to find out that it was only an e-book. There are many like myself that prefer paperback and have yet to actually get into the e-readers.

For people like me, we have no way to actually read this new book and believe me we're dying to.

I read this whole series and I was so excited to hear about All of Me (the new book), coming out. It was the thing that I talked about most for weeks.

I tried to post this on facebook but it never posted. Probably because they were trying to avoid trouble, I'm not sure though.

I thought that maybe if enough people wrote to Lisa Renee Jones' actual publisher that maybe we could convince them to make actual paperback copies.

There's a TV show in the works and she hopes that they'll release all the books with that but I don't really want to wait to find out. That could be years down the line yet.

So how about it? Is there anyone here that is on my side for this?

Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost

My seventh book of the year was Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost. Now I saw that many know of this series and the author but I still like putting up the synopsis on the back of the book for those who don't know about it.

I personally love the series and find it addicting but then again I can bury myself in almost any world that's not my own.

Please enjoy this synopsis and I'll try to be back this afternoon for my own little overview. I'll even try not to give out any spoilers.

"Dating the Prince of Darkness has its challenges...

Leila's psychic abilities have been failing her, and now she isn't sure what the future holds/ If that weren't enough, her lover Vlad has been acting distant. Though Leila is a mere mortal, she's also a modern woman who refuses to accept the cold shoulder treatment forever--especially from the darkly handsome vampire who still won't admit that he loves her...

Like choosing between eternal love and a loveless eternity....

Soon circumstances send Leila back to the carnival circuit, where tragedy strikes. And when she finds herself in the crosshairs of a killer who may be closer than she realizes, Leila must decide who to trust--the fiery vampire who arouses her passions like no other or the tortured knight who longs to be more than a friend? With danger stalking her every step of the way, all it takes is one wrong move to damn her for eternity..."

I hope this interests some of you that look for new authors to read.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Falling Behind Again by Three Books

Yes, I know that I made a promise and I'm falling horribly behind on it. See my computer crashed and I had to get it fixed. In the day and a half that I didn't have my computer I went through three books.

Totally involved in the Night Prince Series, I finished them in record time for me. I also started writing again so I put some energy into that as well.

Needless to say I have some catching up to do.

This is the first book in the Night Prince Series by Jeaniene Frost. I posted the synopsis from the back of the book, I believe last Thursday or so. I re-shared it though so feel free to look at it. 

Since I'm done with the book however, this is not a synopsis. 

Leila just wants to live out the rest of her life as normal as possible. It's not that easy to begin with since when she was 13 she touched a live wire behind her house. Now she can electrocute people with the slightest touch and glean psychic impressions with her right hand. With one touch of her right hand she can tell you your darkest sin as well as find your past, find you in the present and sometimes your future. 

She had made herself a decent life working with her vampire friend Marty in a carnival. Then one accident changed all of that. 

While she was out looking for Marty one day, Leila accidentally caught a guy that was going to murder his wife because she had wanted a divorce. That one touch of her hand gave her a status she would live to be thankful for....but the thankful feeling comes later. Much later. 

First she has to get through being kidnapped by, I think, four crazy vampires that kidnap her to try and find the vampire that killed their friend. Weird right, revenge? Anyway, that wasn't the real gold mine. 

The whole point of them finding her and her finding this vamp was for another vampire. Yes, there was one behind the creepy four puling their strings. 

And the vampire Leila had to find....none other than Vlad Tepesh, THE Vlad Tepesh, the vampire behind the Dracula stories but to save your own life, never call him Dracula. 

There's something that burns bright between those two and Leila refuses to accept it at first. She's lived a very jaded life because of her accident and she is not enthused with Vlad's demeanor. 

He's brutal and violent.....and she can't deny that she wants him like she's never wanted anyone before. 

This whole book lays the ground work for a relationship between Leila and Vlad plus it flushes out that Vlad's enemy is one that he's had for centuries. It just took him a while to gather the strength to fight against Vlad. 

This book is a must read in my opinion. I dare not say too much more for I wouldn't want to give anything away.

Enjoy :)