
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It's Here FINALLY IT'S HERE!!!!!

You guessed it right!!! Today is the official release of the much awaited fourth book in the Crossfire series, Captivated by You.

If you have read the first three books like my mother in law and I then you know why this is such a huge deal. Like Fifty Shades of Grey this series was highly addictive, so when Sylvia Day left the third one the way she did, it upset a lot of fans.

If you're like me you waited until all the books came out to read it. My mother in law warned me that I would get addicted to them, that's why I waited. But then Entwined with You left me hanging and it was a whole nother year for this one.

Thankfully I pre-ordered the book so I will get my copy by the end of the week. If you've already read the book no spoilers lol.

Facebook has the first three chapters on there. I read those and now I'm even more itchy for the book now.

The End of Strange Angels by Lili St Crow

I know that I haven't been on here a whole lot but I'm trying to catch up today.

Strange Angels was actually finished a few weeks ago and I've read one book and started another since then.

The problem, with doing this is I don't want to give you the ending.

After chapter 14, Dru got a werewolf to deal with. At least she thinks her friend Graves is a werewolf, turns out he's just loup-garou. He can shift at will pretty much and not as dangerous as an actual werewolf.

Dru also has now confirmed that she's a female djamphir, svetocha. THis means that she is half of what she's been hunting. Dru is part monster, she's part vampire.

How does a girl deal with that plus the death of her father plus being the one that an ancient vampire is trying to kill because she's part sucker.

The plan is for new ally Christophe who is a djamphir himself, to get Dru and Graves to the extraction point...alive.

Yeah, piece of cake ;)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Strange Angels 1-14

Ok so I didn't do this book chapter by chapter and for this book it's pretty ok to do that.

See the chapters in this book are pretty short. We're talking about eight to maybe fifteen pages if you're lucky. It was really easy to get to chapter 15.

From chapter one you're introduced to a relatively normal sixteen-year-old girl. From the synopsis it's pretty hard to believe, I know. Dru worries about the same things we did in high school, hair, make up a female body, you know the usual lol.

Here's the difference: her father and her hunt things that go bump in the night. I know, I know, that line is so cliche but it's true. Lili St. Crow calls it different stuff but it's basically the same. They hunt vampires (suckers) and werewolfs (werewulf) and other random demons and nasties.

Dru's always been the assistant, never the brains or brawn of the duo. But when her dad busts through her kitchen door a zombie, Dru has to act fast. It's hard to kill your own dad even though it's not really him anymore. Somehow she does and leaves him rotting on their frozen living room floor. Dru never turned the heat on the night before while she was waiting for her dad to come home from his hunt.

With her father dead, what will she do now? Enter her new "friend", Graves. She made his acquaintance the first time she skipped school. He gave her a normal place to be at rest for a few hours. Except now she couldn't afford any type of normal. She was digesting killing her father, her father turning into a zombie. The biggest one was that she killed him. When Graves sat in front of her at the mall's food court, his company was not welcome.

Thankfully though he didn't pay attention to her attitude. Graves bought her food and gave her a place to hole up for a while.  Oh yeah and he did this with no questions asked. The break only lasted for a day though, come night time again trouble had found her again.

A burning dog "the size of a shetland pony" had found her in the mall. Thankfully it was after closing time and there was no one there but her and Graves but Graves had gone to someplace else in the mall. Dru had no idea what this thing was, nothing that they had ever encountered before with her dad.

While trying to dodge it she runs into a dumbfound Graves. The burning dog drowns in the mall fountain and behind Graves is a werewulf. Dru raises her gun to fire too slow and it attacks Graves. Sadly it bites him in the shoulder. She fires again and blows out the wolf's jaw, buying her time to get Graves and run.

Think Dru, think. She can' stay in the mall, she has an injured boy that's loosing a lot of blood and going in shock. Oh yeah and he can turn anytime within twelve hours because he was bit and "infected". Dru forces herself to go to the only place that will offer them any shelter: Her house. You know the one where she just shot her dad.

Once they got there and it was a long journey, Dru was so tired she wasn't thinking straight. She striped them both down to underwear and huddled under her blanket in her room. Classic way to fight hypothermia.

Of course she wakes up first and instantly starts thinking again. Need to tie Graves up, wipe down more and get something in her stomach. She wasn't impressed with the plan but it was all she had. If Graves changed she'd be in trouble and more than likely dead. Better to be safe and tie him up.

She wipes down, eats cereal and tried to think about what comes next when Graves wakes up. Needless to say it was an interesting scene, or it would have been for them if she hadn't had the gun in her hand the whole time she was asking questions. The last one asking if he's a virgin and the gun to his head. Yeah, Dru traumatized the poor boy. Satisfied though she untied him and went back downstairs.

So here's where we are in the book now. Graves comes to the conclusion that Dru isn't all that bad and sticks around to help her and asks her twenty questions about what's really out there. Dru is still trying to figure out what to do next. Though having someone with her that isn't abandoning least yet makes her feel a little better.

The burning question in her right now is who hurt her dad and turned him into a zombie because it WAS done on purpose. This was no accident.

Good Morning Bloggers!!!!

Since I seem to disappear on this site often I decided to just start out with a morning post.

Hopefully this reaches more people than it seems to when I look at the views. I was hoping that this site would bring interaction but it doesn't seem to do that.

However I don't write to get noticed, not really anyway lol. I write because I love to write and I love the books that I read and collect.

When I started this blog I was hoping to meet others like me but I'll settle for views.

Stay tuned because Strange Angels will be posted on in a few minutes ;)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

I'm On My Knees Now

Normally if I can't get a book, I would just give up. You know if it's not in print anymore or not in my price range no amount of research or looking will get it for me. 

However when it comes to this specific book, I have now sunk to my knees. This is the only book, literally the only book that I need to complete my Nora Roberts collection. I even have all of her JD Robb books, does that tell you how much I love her?

The only problem right now is that this book is out of print. I wrote to Turn the Page and as of today I have written to Nora Roberts' publisher. I am seriously begging here for this book. 

I can't afford fifty dollars for one book but if I can't find it any other way I'll start putting money aside for it. I've searched high and low and not even second hand stores have the book. 

Now I am asking anyone that sees this post. If you see this book I'd love to know. Not finding it is breaking my heart here. 

Ready to be Bitten...Again

So in my facebook exploration I couldn't find anything in reference to the series Bitten that was adapted into a TV show from the series by Kelley Armstrong.

I was lucky enough to catch the last few episodes before it went off this year and I have to say it was a good show. No, I will not be reading the book just yet but I really want to.

Ok so, I didn't find anything on facebook like I said, however I did find in a google search that Sci-fi is picking the show up.

Supposedly next year Sci-Fi will be airing Bitten season 2 for all of us followers to see and I for one am very excited.

Hopefully my husband loves me enough to get me the first season so I can catch up on everything before the second season comes on lol.

Who is a fan of this series by Kelley Armstrong?

Are You Prepared?

In 16 days the last installment of the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day will be released. If you love it as much as I do, then you've already pre-ordered your copy.

I must say that the timing of the release is beautiful. Being in November, my husband pre-ordered it for me for Christmas then I turned around and got the whole series for two of my friends.

If you like Fifty Shades of Grey then you will enjoy Crossfire. I'll admit that I only read Fifty Shades to see what all the hype was about. Then I ended up addicted to it.

My MIL's friend told me while I was reading FIfty Shades Darker, that Crossfire is better than Fifty Shades. So I very diplomatically said that I would check it out once I finished the Fifty Trilogy.

Now I have to say that there is no competition between the two series. They are both very good just different angles.

I would recommend that if you enjoy FIfty Shades, check out the Crossfire series......but wait till you can get the whole set because it is very addicting.

I Seem to be Falling Way Behind Here

I'm falling way way way behind on here. After I finished Bloodlines I started a new book almost immediately but I forgot to post about it.

Over the past week or so I have been reading Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow. I had borrowed this book a while ago from the library in Maryland and last year for Christmas my husband bought me the whole collection of them. He's so sweet to me :)

Sadly though I just got around to re-reading the first book this year. It's November now and I have also come to the conclusion that I won't make my hundred book goal for the year. I tried but things got a little crazy this year.

Anyway back to Strange Angels. Since this is the first post about the book, I'll start by giving everyone the synopsis that's on the back of the book and let you make your own judgement from that right now.

"The Real World is a frightening place. Just ask sixteen-year-old orphan Dru Anderson, a tough girl who has taken down her fair share of bad guys. She's armed, dangerous, and ready to kill first and ask questions later. So it's gonna take her a while to figure out who she can trust...

Dru Anderson has been "strange" for as long as she can remember, travelling from town to town with her father to hunt the things that go bump in the night. It's a weird life, but a good one- until it all explodes in an icy, broken-down Dakota town, when a hungry zombie busts through her kitchen door. Alone, terrified, and trapped, Dru;s going to need every inch of her wit and training to stay alive. The monsters have decided to hunt back- and this time, Dru's on their menu. Chances of survival? Slim to none.

If she can't last until sunup, it's game over..."

Sounds ominous huh? Let me know your first impressions :)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Bloodlines are Finished

Lol, I know, interesting title. However it refers to the book that I've been reading called Bloodlines by Richelle Mead. I know that I have been off of here for a while and really it was because I got busy and stopped reading for a few days.

As of last night though, I finished Bloodlines with a smile on my face. Through all the peril our Sidney Sage had faced she's feeling things that she shouldn't be feeling towards a Moroi and facing the fact she herself may be magical.

A lot for a girl like her to take in. Think about it, a girl raised to believe there are no good vampires, they're all evil and that all magic no matter what kind is unnatural and tainted. Then you find out that the Moroi are actually decent, almost like real people and one of them makes you feel emotions that gives you butterflies in your stomach and makes you blush.

If that's not bad enough the one thing that scares you and you just can't wrap your head around is the one thing that you may be....magical.

Towards the end of Bloodlines, there's a lot of information to take in. A lot of things have changed in about five chapters and the people that you're reading aren't the same ones that you saw in the beginning of the book.

It's an interesting read and is just the first in a very good series. Sadly my attention span just doesn't extend to the second book lol. I'm starting a new one from a different series and author.

Stick around, you may find something you like ;)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Chapter 13

Not much happens in this chapter. Though we do get another piece of the Adrian/Jill puzzle. 

 Jill wakes Sydney up in the middle of the night to go "rescue" Adrian in L.A with no other explanation other than he needs help. 

What do you say to that?

Love is in the Air- Chapter 12

Love is truly in the air during this chapter. Everyone is going out on their "family" outing and needless to say everyone's excited except Sydney. She's ok around everyone but her upbringing causes her problems sometimes. 

It doesn't take long to see how much Lee and Jill  like each other. They pretty much ignore everyone and fall behind by a hole. 

Now here's a something you'll start chanting in your head: Adrian likes Sydney Sydney likes Adrian. 

In this chapter you really start to get this high school vibe of does he like me he's looking at me kind of thing.

It's actually kind of cute how adrian kind of looks after Sydney, trying to do it so she can't tell because after all she's a fiercely independent woman. 

I wonder how this will work cuz remember vampires and humans don't mix, it's forbidden. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Enter Trouble

In chapter 11 it's feeding day for the Melrose family....well just Jill. 

This connection between Jill and Adtian gets weirder. Sydney starts wondering when Jill is actually on the phone with Adruan so much that she knows everything she does. It's a little awkward for Sydney to see this. 

Lee has also now set the date. They're all going to play mini golf. A place that has a few fountains on the course so that Jill can be a little more at ease with her surroundings. It's hard for her to be away from Wayer because her magic is water, it's basically a part of her. 

Now we also catch on to Keith's end game. If he can make it look like Sydney is screwing up he can get her out. Not only by showing she's not taking care of Jill plus being a vampire lover but Sydney has brought up the tattoos. 

Keith has called the tattoos a wild tangent that she doesn't need to think about. 

Let's see what happens next 😄

3 Chapter Crash

Hi everyone!!! Please forgive me for being gone so long but this fall cleaning has kept me busy lately. I started reading last night and I know that I should of stopped and wrote but I just couldn't. Once I started reading I couldn't stop, that is until my husband came in for bed lol. I know I'm so not as fast as I used to b.

So I'm not doing this in chapters. We have three chapters that focus on pretty much a day and a half. It's the second day of school and we have more social issues. Jill is feeling better but she's awkward and out of place. Eddie's roommate, Micah, takes an interest in her during their mutual P.E class. With Jill being a Moroi, she doesn't burn up in the sun like Strigoi do but it does make her miserable and weak. Micah covered for her so that their teacher would lay off of her, even walked her to the next class that she had. 

This is a big worry because both races, human and Moroi do not approve of intermingling. To them both it is a disgusting thing to do. Now don't let your sense of right and wrong get in the way of the story because really, this fact makes the book that much more interesting. 

Sydney calls on the help of Eddie and Adrian to help dissuade Micah from getting any further. Eddie is against this because he doesn't want to isolate Jill from everyone. They brought her to the school to be safe not to make her feel any more alone than she already does. 

Ok fair point well made. So it's now Adrian's turn. Adrian sees the point very clearly and was surprisingly easy to talk to albeit very weird. See Adrian is the wild and carefree one but now has this chivalrous side when it comes to Jill. Yes he will talk to Jill about not getting involved with Micah however when Lee enters into the room and offers to ask Jill out, Adrian flips out. 

There's an age difference. He's just using her. As long as they all go out as a group, can Lee be with Jill. Lee just happens to be just smitten enough to agree. 

Now here's one out of two kickers in all three chapters. Keith was there at Clarence's while Sydney was talking to both Lee and Adrian. What he had to say to Sydney after that wasn't pretty at all. Sydney was not supposed to socialize with the "vampires" and no he would not expedite a doctor's note to excuse Jill from P.E because their job is to keep her alive not comfortable. Keith told her that he would over look this incident but not to let it happen again or he'd have her taken off the duty.  

Funny thing is Adrian heard all that. He actually apologized for Keith because he shouldn't be such an ass. Back at the dorms, once Sydney got back, she got an earful from Jill. Jill knew about the entire visit with Adrian. She didn't expect Adrian to call Jill so soon or to tell her everything that had happened. 

Saved by the call, Sydney's new "boss" called her to get her coffee. Yes Sydney is taking up her last period bu helping her new teacher with her book. Meeting her at the library, Sydney collects more information about her tattoo puzzle. It turns out that people are getting metallic tattoos to either get high or improve their physical skills. The only people that Sydney knows can do that are the Alchemists and they had spent years perfecting the formula. 

This is the last kicker in the chapters. When Sydney got back to the dorm after a late and confusing night, Jill was crying in her sleep. When she woke the girl, Jill started apologizing about how she acted and what Keith had said. It left a lingering question in Sydney's mind about how close Jill and Adrian really were and what was really going on with everything. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jill and Adrian....a Couple?

No I am glad to say that Jill and Adrian are not a couple. 

In chapter eight we can start to piece together certain things about Jill and Adrian's relationship. 

It's oddly dependent. Jill depends very heavily on Adrian and when Sydney and Jill arrive at Clarence's house to see Adrian a piece of the puzzle falls into place for us readers. 

Adrian is suffering from and I quote 'one hell of a hangover' the same thing Jill was accused of having while in school. Then when Jill tells Sydney how Adrian is still hung up on Rose like real bad, she talks like it was herself that was wronged instead of Adrian. Getting the picture yet. I could tell you but that would spoil the surprise ;)

Monday, September 22, 2014

First Days are Horrible- Chapter Six

Yeah Sydney's day may have started off great but like most first days of school they take a turn for the worst. Think about. When have you had a great first day of school?

The first day of school you worry about how you're dressed and where you'll end up, where your friends will end up. It never goes completely smooth. 

In Sydney's case though, she was homeschooled her whole life so this experience is even more foreign to her then Jill or Eddie because though they are coming from a Private school, they still had to be social with others. 

The dress at Amberwood is about the same as Sydney wears day to day as an Alchemist so the uniform doesn't bother her in the least. Jill on the other hand detests it, as any girl used to wearing her own style would say lol. 

Jill and Eddie were easily placed in classes while it was Sydney the poor girl that was hard to place. With her being homeschooled she knew everything. However with this being a cover up and all, the Alchemists had her records faked and she had to take mostly classes that she already knew. The counselor mentioned she had to take a course in forgein language and that was Sydney's line. When she told the woman that she spoke five languages fluently, of course she wanted Sydney to take the tests to prove it. 

Sydney became a teacher's pet in her Ancient History class. She loves the topic and the sub-topics were things that her father had felt that she didn't need to know but loved to learn about. Many of the topics, Sydney had taught herself in what down time she had from the Alchemists. 

Here's one of the best parts about this chapter, you get the definition of an Alchemist plus how it relates to the book. For once I'll quote the book. 

"The Alchemists had arisen in the Middle Ages as 'magical scientists' trying to turn lead into gold. From those early experiments, they'd gone on to discover the special properties of vampire blood and how it reacted with other substances, eventually branching out into the crusade to keep vampires and humans separate from one another."

I think that it's amazing how an author can combine their fictional world with actual facts and actually be clear. Some can't mix the two and have a clear definition. 

Now here is where we also add another layer of mystery in the plot. Everyone keeps staring at Sydney's tattoo on her face. All Alchemists have one to keep them from talking about the Alchemists and their duties. The two girls that Sydney actually talks to so far actually asks her what it does. Weird question to ask about a tattoo don't you think? 

A Tattoo doesn't do anything but look good. When Sydney asks why they would ask that type of question.....go figure bell rings, time to go back to class. On top of that quizzical conversation, Jill seems to be missing. Not trying to cause a stir, Sydney asked her P.E teacher where her 'sister' might be. All she could tell her was that she was sent to her dorm. 

Try not to laugh on this one, Jill was sent back to her dorm before first period even ended ready?....For having a hangover. Now Sydney had been with Jill all night, they're roommates after all and Sydney even got up to check on Jill once during the night. Jill was sound asleep. 

However if you were to look at the girl you would think the exact same thing. The only thing she asked of Sydney was to take her to Adrian. Now Sydney had stood up for the girl saying she would go fight her case for her but Jill didn't want that, just Adrian. 

Oh yeah and to not tell Eddie about the trip because for some reason he would flip out. 

So lets just recap the mysteries we have in only six chapters:
*Why Jill is so tightly bound to Adrian?
*Why Sydney's tattoo is such a big deal?
*And why is Eddie so nervous around his roommate, Micah?

Three mysteries in six chapters, will there be more lol

Friday, September 19, 2014

Introduction to Amberwood Prep Chapter Five

In this chapter everyone goes their seperate ways to do the job they were given. 

It's a tearful goodbye between Adrian and Jill for reasons no one yet knows. It definitely has our friendly alchemist Sydney intrigued. 

Mainly though we're introduced to the actual high school Amberwood Prep. By most standards it's a huge school with three secretions: east, central and west. 

East is the girls dorm while west houses the boys. Central is the best part, it's the academic building where all classes take place. Lucky them they get shuttles to take them from building to building so the kids don't have to put up with the heat. 

Sydney gets jealous of Jill and her guardian Eddie because of how easily they fit in. Alchemists are home schooled and never cover human interaction apparently. 

This is also where we meet Micah. Eddies roommate and a ghost from his own past. That's going to be explained a little later though. No one understands right now why Eddie is awkward around Micah. 

Sydney now has to get over her fears of being so close to a vampire for long periods of time. Jill being how she is, just sees Sydney as a friend. I don't think she actually understands the alchemist way. With that being said Jill actually treats Sydney as a friend and vents some of her drama to her. 

Jill doesn't think Lissa actually likes her because since they found out they were sisters, Lissa has barely said two words to her. Then she almost let slip what is between her and Adrian. When that happens things should get very interesting ;)

Chapter Four-Secrets

Come to find out in this chapter everyone has a secret their holding back. It's strange how so many people can have a secret that no one knows even an inkling about. 

And don't dismay, Richelle Mead has brought in Rose for a cameo appearance. As always Rose commands the room by doing nothing more than waking into the room. 

Abe Mazur of course is still at his most antagonistic. Baiting poor Keith and tormenting Sydney. 

There's also now a link between Jill and Adrian that no one wants to explain. The same with the attack on Jill. No guardian will speak of what happened, not even Rose will tell Sydney. 

Spooky right lol and very intriguing. Read on to see what happens next as Sydney becomes Jill's sister and roommate at Amberwood Prep. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Goodnight...Whoever is Out There

I bid everyone a good night. Tonight I plan on watching Cinderella and maybe reading more.

Hopefully someone out there is reading this blog and maybe being inspired by it. Maybe not to write like I am or about books but to do what they love no matter what others say.

I started this because I wanted to even though so many people doubted that I could do it or even make an impact on someone.

Help me prove them wrong.

Goodnight everyone :)

Chapter Three- Enter the Party

Lol yeah you kind of have to laugh at seeing the first little phrase under the Chapter 3: "Palm Springs was agony". Wow, what a way to start off.

In this chapter, we see Sydney and Keith drive up to Palm Springs to ready things for Jill and her dhampir. Richelle doesn't say for sure if he is her official guardian or not.

The whole drive, Keith is saying how bad the Moroi are and how dhampirs are worse because they are neither human nor vampire. They should never have exist in the first place.

Once they are all settled in for the arrival of everyone, Keith goes home and instead of staying with him Sydney decides to just get a hotel room. Are you getting how bad she hates him yet?

She settles down and starts to relax just a little and decides to call her mother. The way she left had Sydney feeling uneasy to say the least. When she called it was nice to talk to her mom but things got tense quickly because her father had snuck her out of the house without letting Sydney say good-bye.

See Sydney's mom has no part in the Alchemists, she is a mechanic and really hates how they treated Sydney. She had even said that at times she hates Sydney's father and what is a daughter supposed to say to that? Especially one that still years for her father's love and approval.

Not to mention when Sydney had left, she left with her sister furious at her. Zoe was also fighting for her father's love and approval and in protecting Zoe, Sydney made her look incompetent in front of all the superiors. It hurt Sydney badly to have to leave her without setting things right, but it wouldn't matter anyway because of the oath in the tattoo on her cheek keeps her from talking against the Alchemists.

She wants Zoe to grow up and be her own person, live her own life. Once she would join the Alchemists  her life would be theirs. You make no decision on your own and you believe what they tell you without a doubt as well as do exactly what they say. Why is it so bad that Sydney doesn't want that for her sister? Sydney can't get out because she's already in and won't risk them taking Zoe.

Now here's the absolute funniest part of chapter three. All that talk Keith had put up about how bad the Moroi are but he can handle being around them when necessary...yeah total b.s.

They went to the house where the only Moroi they know lives in Palm Springs to meet Jill. Not only was Jill there but so was Abe Mazur, Adrian Ivashkov, the host was Clarence and Eddie Castile (the dhampir).

Keith was scared out of his mind and made himself look like a fool. Adrian opened the door for them and Keith stood there with his jaw down to the ground. Of course Adrian being Adrian had to antagonize the poor boy.

Much to Sydney's nightmares, Abe was there as well which meant all of her secrets were there as well. If she was in trouble for helping Rose then if the Alchemists found out she was making deals with a Moroi she would really be in trouble.

Hopefully in chapter four we find that the zmey (the snake in Russian) will keep her secrets between them and only them.

Bloodlines- Chapter Two

You don't expect to see a whole lot of plot change from chapter to chapter but what you can see is character change. 

In this case, Sydney shows how badly she really wants her father'a love. All her father wanted was one boy amongst the girls but instead he just had three girls. 

When Keith had stayed with them one summer during training, Sydney's father took to him like an angel. The boy could do nothing wrong an he was treated like a prince. Of course then it angered the girls but who wouldn't that piss off?

Now that Sydney is fighting for her place back with the alchemists and Keith is against working with her, it's heart breaking to see her father side with him instead of his own daughter. 

The pressure you start to see on this woman is tremendous. She's trying to get back in where she still feels she belongs especially now that she understands the moroi a little more but she's also trying to protect her younger sister and keep the secret of her eldest. 

Now she's off to Palm Springs to this prep school trying not to worry what lies ahead. Sadly her father didn't even say good bye he said in a few more words don't screw up. 

What a thing to say to a daughter who just wants to make you proud. 

Bloodlines- Chapter One

So chapter one of the book is usually always your introduction. With spin off series it's usually an introduction along with a brief summary of the story it is spinning off of.

Bloodlines is no different except for the fact all your recap is in the story itself. There is no prologue or 'in the previous story...'

As promised Richelle Mead has started with Sydney Sage's story. Our lovely, ex-vampire hating Alchemist. Yes an Alchemist in this story is still one that messes around with science to bring about magical things.

This particular Alchemist however is the one that disobeyed all teachings and helped our awesome dhampir Rose Hathaway escape from Moroi prison and prove her innocence. That action got Sydney, well for lack of a better term right now, sidelined from all duties.

Now, the Alchemists need Sydney's assistance. Lissa's illegitimate sister Jill Mastrano is in danger. The Moroi have this pesky little rule that in order to be Queen you have to have at least one family member alive. Stupid rule but hey if it works for them who's to argue? However it puts Lissa in a precarious spot because Jill is the only family that Lissa has left alive and just the year before found out about her sister when the people voted her Queen.

Sydney, in chapter one, has to convince her superiors (her father included) that she and not her younger sister Zoe is up for the task. It's when she finds out what the task is that she starts getting cold feet.

Sydney and Jill are to be roommates at Amberwood Prep, and that's not the best part. She has to liaison with Keith Darnell with whom she is mortal enemies with. The reason why comes a bit later in the book, for now you only know that there is a secret between the two of them that makes them hate each other with a fiery passion.

For a first chapter, Richelle Mead sets the mood to intriguing right off the bat.

Bloodline- Richelle Mead

Bloodlines by Richelle Mead is something that I have read before but Richelle Mead is a bloody genius and it's a book that I enjoy re-reading. Also I promised my best friend +charlotte a that I would catch up on the whole series which requires starting at the beginning.

This is the first book in her spin off series from Vampire Academy. With that being said if you have read Vampire Academy then this book and series is a must read. Also if you haven't read Vampire Academy at all then you need an intervention and a time out to read it lol.

"When Sydney is torn from her bed in the middle of the night, at first she thinks she is still being punished for her complicated alliance with dhampir Rose Hathaway. But what unfolds is far worse. Jill Dragomir--the sister of Moroi Queen Lissa Dragomir--is in mortal danger, and the Moroi must send her into hiding. To avoid a civil war, Sydney is called upon to act as Jill's guardian and protector, posing as her roommate in the unlikeliest of places: a human boarding school in Palm Springs, California. The last thing Sydney wants is to be accused of sympathsizing with vampires. And now she has to live with one.
The Moroi court believe Jill and Sydney will be safe at Amberwood Prep, but threats, distractions, and forbidden romance lurk both outside--and within--the school grounds. Now that they're hiding, the drama is only just beginning."

This is the synopsis from the back of the book. It gives you as readers the chance to get an unbias view of the books plot, thus giving you the chance to decide if you would like to read it as well.

If you do decide to give this book a chance I welcome you to comment on the posts here with your opinion and thoughts of it.

Different people have different opinions as well see things in a different light. Hopefully some of you have already read it and we'll be enlightened by your point of view :)

I Hope I'm Reaching...Someone

I know that this is a bit off topic but I started this blog for the fun of it. Recently, even though it's only been three days, I've been feeling like this has been useless.

I wanted to reach people like me and try to spark an interest or discussion. It just doesn't seem to be happening. Views are great but they don't really mean much of anything on something like this. Just a view though doesn't mean you read the post or that you liked it.

Comments are what counts on a blog because that's how you make connections and the author of the blog knows that it's a good one and that people care. Without them, it just feels like a waste of time.

This was supposed to be fun and I have been having fun sharing what I read and how I feel about it. I just wish that it would be the same for other people.

Is anyone out there paying attention? Is there anyone there at all?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Special Delivery 9-17 :)

Turn the Page Bookstore held a book signing on September 13th and I just barely got on in time to order this book. There were about five authors there including of course Nora Roberts.

My husband being as wonderful as he is told me without hesitation to get what I wanted. Well this was it this time around. I have a Nora Roberts, J.D Robb and Rachel Vincent book signed. I also have four Richelle Mead books that are signed and a Lydia Dare that I got completely by accident.

I have this thing now apparently, the signed books go up never to be open. Once you open them you crease the spine. I don't care how hard you try not to, at some point it happens even just slightly. I don't want these books messed up in any way.

The whole idea right now is once I get my library built, I'm going to find a small curio cabinet and put them in it. That way they would be on a permanent display.

Until then I will be happy just putting them on top of my book case and admiring them from afar.....and dusting them about once a week lol.

Hopefully this will not be the last autographed book I get.

Finally Done.....

After many many long days of reading Nightseer by Laurell K Hamilton, I finally finished the book this morning.

As most would expect there is a happy ending to the never ending book. Lothor cons Kelios into becoming his consort and as much as Kelios hates him pretty much on principle she would rather agree and twist the words of the oath than watch her friends die.

They succeed in getting off the island they were exiled on, to escape to Guardian Isle. For Kelios this is home. This is where her sister had decided to settle down and be Guardian of. This, most importantly, is where the Joining will take place between Kelios and Lothor.

Now these two people have been through a lot together in the few days they have been together. So many near death experiences and fighting side by side. However, Kelios is pure and the thought of having to go to a marriage bed frightened her.

Laurell K Hamilton wasn't too clear on how Lothor and Kelios ended up but with the way the last chapter was worded and I had to infer what had happened on that alone, I would say that Kelios and Lothor became friends if not eventually learned to love each other.

In my opinion Lothor had always loved Kelios from the beginning of the book. Kelios is a strong female character who is like a man in so many ways but still has the heart of a female. She is a warrior that knows not a lot about love and has never wanted it. She never wanted anything that would make her look weak.

That makes her easy to fall in love with though because if you think about it in fantasy terms the male warrior wants someone to match him not best him or be beneath him, but someone that will challenge him all the time so as he will never get bored.

To think of it in those terms it's easy to see why Lothor would fall for Kelios.

Part of me would recommend this book and part of me wouldn't. I am torn because this is a fantasy book and that hasn't been one of my favorite genres for a long time. It's slow at times and the terms make it easy to get lost.

However with those two things being said, if you take the time to read and properly understand the terminology, I think that quite a few people would find this book quite enjoyable.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I Have Survived....

I have survived the dentist to bring everyone an update on Nightseer by Laurell K Hamilton. Last night I reached page 200 out of 303 and man do I wish I hit the end.

I love Laurell K Hamilton's series Anita Blake but this book has taken me two months to get through and that never happens.

Here's the synopsis from the back of the book:

"The mark of a demon can open the door to undreamed of powers and possibilities--or expose a soul to the darkest and most forbidden forces of sorcery. Now Kelios wears the mark--and the time of avenging her mother's death is at hand..."

Sounds really interesting right?

A daughter who happens to be a sorceress avenging her mother in this mystical world. Who wouldn't want to read that?

As it so happens however, it's a slow book to start. The thing that makes it for me hard to get through right now is the fact that it's slow then it speeds up then it slows down. Now it's like this throughout the book and that would make anyone tired.

To summarize most of what I have read, Harque killed Kelios' mother and from there Kelios became a type of sorceress and prophecy girl. She prophesied her mother's death and then the fall of the Keep, where many people from small children and up go to learn their craft, fall

When the Keep fell however what she did not see coming was that the High Councilman was going to mark her and those who helped her try to save the Keep a traitor and was to be sent to exile.

Right now I'm going to see how they manage being in exile because they all have these manacles on that cancel out all magic. That hurts Kelios badly because she's half-elf and an elf was made of magic. Just putting those manacles on made Kelios feel like she was dying.

Maybe tonight will finally be the night that I finish this book.

Anyone else read this book? Or any Laurell K Hamilton?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sylvia Day's New Book

It has finally come out that Sylvia Day is releasing the last book in the Crossfire series.

The whole series is Bared to You, Reflected in You and Entwined with You. At the end of Entwined with You, Ms.Day wrote that we hadn't seen the last of Gideon and Eva, expect one more book.

After a few months of waiting, the title was released: Captivated by You. Finally as of a few weeks ago it's been released that Captivated by You will be out for sale on November 18th of this year.

If you have read the series then you realize that this is a must own book. I have already threatened my husband under pain of death that this book will be mine for Christmas if not sooner lol.

I'm just dying to know what happens next in their journey, they've been through so much already.

Who else has read this series and are you excited as I am for this new book?

Image brought to you by google. The U.S and U.K Covers

New Book Blogger

Ok so I am new to the whole blogging thing. It's something that I have been wanting to do for a while now but didn't really have the guts to start.

For some odd reason now I do and I want to enjoy it, not see it as a type of job. I made this to talk about books in general because I absolutely love to read and share the books with everyone. Every now and then I get to introduce a new author or book to someone and that makes me feel wonderful.

My thoughts on this blog is to do a chapter by chapter type thing with a whole book review at the end. I'm hoping that people will read and enjoy what I post because that's my second reason for the blog. I want to bring joy to people through books.

Here's to hoping you guys love me, and girls. And please know that I welcome all comments don't be scared or worried about that.